Position is an integral component of poker, and understanding its different nuances will significantly boost your winrate. Position refers to both where a player sits at the table as well as their relative positioning within the betting order.
Players who act prematurely are known as being “out of position”, while players who enact last are considered in position.
Early Position
Early position players bear the responsibility of acting first and earlier while also lacking information about the actions of their opponents. Therefore, those in early position should only play strong hands and limit bluffing when in early position.
On a full ring table, there are usually two or three seats located near the beginning, known as Under the Gun (UTG), UTG+1 and UTG+2.
Late position players typically hold more advantages than early-position ones. They can gather more information on their opponents’ movements, enabling them to adapt more efficiently post-flop and extract greater profit from check-raising or check-raising with weaker opponents and represent stronger holdings when bluffing – this being one reason why those in late positions should play more diverse hands than early position ones and be extra wary when playing out of position, especially preflop.
Middle Position
Middle position in poker refers to several distinct seats at the table. When discussing short handed (6-max) games, middle position generally refers to either the hijack seat or button or lojack seat while for full ring tables it could also mean lojack or button seats.
Middle position offers more versatility than early and late positions, but less than that of either of them. Players in middle position act after those in early positions but before the cutoff and button – they’re also often known by full ring tables as MP1 or MP2.
As in early position, playing tight in middle position is recommended given your knowledge of your opponents’ actions from earlier positions. Still, be wary as there may be stronger hands that call your bets; having good information about opponents helps increase confidence when bluffing or extracting value from weaker hands.
Late Position
As its name implies, late position is the last position in a round of betting and it offers considerable advantages at the poker table. You get to observe how your opponents act before deciding how best to respond; this gives invaluable information on their real or perceived strength of hand and makes making decisions much simpler and profitable.
Late position players typically include the dealer button or his immediate right. Sometimes known as the cut-off or hijack, while their counterpart on their immediate right may be known as ‘hyjacks’.
Since playing out of position is always detrimental, whether preflop or postflop, tighter play should be implemented early and middle position than late position in order to maximize profits in any hand.
Dealer’s Choice
Dealer’s Choice games give the player on the button the power to select which game to play every round, making it more difficult to form a consistent strategy due to all the variations across games. By paying attention to skill levels and playing styles of others in your group, however, you can maximize winning opportunities.
Positionally speaking, it is best to play from your immediate right seat. This enables you to leverage your positional advantage against the biggest fish at the table and isolate them into pots that are easier for you to win. Furthermore, it would be prudent to avoid having LAG players or exceptionally good opponents sitting directly to your left as these may prove more challenging to deal with.
Sitting late position allows you to observe how opponents behave before you, which provides invaluable insights into their hand strength. With this knowledge in hand, it becomes much easier to determine the strength of your own hand as well as to make successful bluffs.
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